
Showing posts from January, 2020

Wine Wine Wine (Seattle)

Spring, Trinity Meadow, Cambridge, England

Brownstone Townhouse Renovation (New York)

Private Residence Fontana Wi (Milwaukee)


Roofs of Bern / Switzerland

West 8th Street House (Austin)

woodstock69 said: I love your blog so much! (: Answer: Aww, thank you so much! :D.

East Broadway, Chinatown, New York City

Bridge to Mseilha Fort, near Batroun, Lebanon

Sunset across Machu Picchu, Peru


Warsaw, Poland

“Cavers in the Main Chamber of Gaping Gill, North Yorkshire / England .”


by Fort Photo on Flickr.Pike’s Peak Cog Railway at 14,115 Feet in Colorado, USA.

Mother Nature

Mt. Seymour Provincial Park, British Columbia

Ancient, St. Johns College Library, Cambridge, England

Women wearing traditional costumes at Bali Art Festival, Indonesia

Villa Khayangan in Bali, Indonesia

An Urban Penthouse (Tel Aviv)

by _Zinni_ on Flickr.Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park, Tasmania, Australia.

French Polynesia

Hezen Cave Hotel, Turkey